Dr. Powell, Jenison's Invisalign® Preferred Provider

Dr. Powell is an Invisalign Preferred Provider who specializes in Orthodontics for children and adults. Invisalign is an advanced technology that allows Dr. Powell to straighten his patient’s teeth without braces. Invisalign combines Dr. Powell’s clinical treatment expertise with 3-D, computer-generated software to make these sets of unique, custom-made Aligners that move teeth in very precise increments.

Invisalign patients are seen every 6 weeks to ensure that treatment is progressing as planned. Each appointment takes approximately 10 minutes and most patients finish their treatment in less than 6 months. Afterward, clear retainers are worn to provide stabilization for the patient’s new smile.

Don't hesitate to give Dr. Powell a call at 616-827-7118 if you have any questions about Invisalign, or if you would like to schedule a consultation.